
Thursday, 29 February 2024, 16:00 (CET) - 17:30 (CET)


Live broadcast

Event summary

The EMA’s Orphan Medicines Office is hosting an interactive webinar Rare Disease Day on 29 February 2024, to answer questions that developers of products for rare diseases or researchers in this field might have on orphan designations and rare disease development.

The webinar will feature:

  • short presentations on the background of orphan designation and the benefits it has brought to patients;
  • a live question-and-answer session enabling participants to ask their questions on orphan medicines development to a panel of regulatory experts (see agenda for details).

The event is directed towards healthcare professionals, academia, industry representatives and patients and requires registration to enable active participation.

The event will be also broadcast and recorded. The videos and presentations will be made available on the EMA website after the event.


Follow this link to register. Registration will close on 23 February 2024

Video recording


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