This content applies to human and veterinary medicines.

Communicating shortages to the public

Guidance is available to help the national competent authorities in the EU with communicate to the public about issues related to the availability of medicines.

It includes good practices in the following areas:

  • Who should communicate on a medicines shortage
  • Who the target audience is
  • Which format and communication tools to use
  • What information and when to publish
  • How to involve stakeholders in the preparation and dissemination of information
  • Internal collaboration within the European medicines regulatory network
  • Existing examples and initiatives that could be implemented in other Member States

The guidance is based on a survey on how issues related to shortages and availability of medicines are measured and communicated to the public in EU Member States, which was carried out by the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) / EMA Task Force on the Availability of Authorised Medicines for Human and Veterinary Use.

EMA and HMA published the guidance in 2019.

Managing shortages caused by manufacturing or quality issues

A set of documents is available to support regulators involved in coordinating shortage situations caused by good manufacturing practice (GMP) non-compliance.

The documents build on:

  • an EMA reflection paper on public health incidents that can arise due to manufacturing disruptions and corresponding implementation plan to coordinate the assessment of shortages, develop risk-minimisation measures, alleviate the impact on patients and communicate within the European medicines regulatory network;
  • an EMA workshop on product shortages due to manufacturing and quality problems in 2013;
  • a stakeholder meeting to review progress in 2015.

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