The Quality Drafting Group (DG Q) was established at the first meeting of the Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) in September 2004, as a temporary subgroup of the committee.

The role of the DG Q is to provide support to the HMPC in the area of quality. Its responsibilities include updating and developing guidance addressing specific quality issues related to herbal medicinal products. Where appropriate, the DG Q co-ordinates its work with the Quality Working Party.

Mandate, rules of procedure and work programme

EMA has temporarily suspended or scaled back certain activities since 2019 based on EMA’s business continuity plan and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

DG Q is set for reorganisation in 2023, as part of EMA's revised operating model for working parties.

Until then, DG Q continues to work under its current mandate.

The DG Q operates under the mandate of the HMPC.

More information on the DG Q's responsibilities and composition are available in this document:


The DG Q is composed of 10 members and one observer from the European Directive on the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM).


Below (in alphabetical order of surname) are the current members of DG Q. The members' declarations of interests are available in the European expert list.

  • Knut Almgren
  • Kristine Hvolby
  • Sari Koski
  • Burt H Kroes
  • Reinhard Länger
  • Olga Maria Palomino
  • Carmen Purdel
  • Anna Maria Serrilli
  • Friederike Stolte

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