
Tuesday, 26 March 2024, 09:00 (CET) - 13:30 (CET)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Live broadcast

Event summary

This is the first system demo of 2024, the ninth ever held by EMA as part of its Agile Network Portfolio management.

A system demo is an event held at the end of a programme increment (a three-month period of work) to demonstrate the developments achieved in that period and collect stakeholder feedback.

Participants have the opportunity to review what has been delivered, give feedback and ask questions on future product increments (planned chunks of work on the final system).

EMA will demonstrate developments with several products including:

Each demo has a dedicated timeslot on the agenda; the start times are indicated above. The event is broadcast live.

A video recording will be made available after the event.

Video recording


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