
Friday, 19 April 2024, 10:00 (CEST) - 12:30 (CEST)


European Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Live broadcast

Event summary

The EU Innovation Network, in conjunction with ACT EU, is organising an information and training webinar on Simultaneous National Scientific Advice (SNSA) to be held on 19th April 2024.

The objectives of the webinar are to:

  • provide information on the ongoing SNSA pilot, including the rationale behind this initiative and experience to date;
  • outline the circumstances in which SNSA could be used, including some case studies;
  • summarise the optimised procedure for phase 2 of the SNSA pilot;
  • highlight the benefits for applicants;
  • answer questions and invite feedback from stakeholders in relation to SNSA.

This EMA-hosted webinar anticipates a broad representation of stakeholders who may benefit from using SNSA including pharmaceutical companies, SMEs, and non-commercial or academic researchers and developers, funding bodies, etc.

No certificates of attendance will be issued for this event.

The event will be broadcast live. A video recording will be made available after the event. Processing and publication of the video recording typically takes up to 60 days.


Video recording

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