An excipient is a constituent of a medicine other than the active substance, added in the formulation for a specific purpose. While most excipients are considered inactive, some can have a known action or effect in certain circumstances. These must be declared in the labelling and package leaflet of the medicine for its safe use.

The legal basis for requirements on excipient labelling in the EU is Article 65 of Directive 2001/83/EC.

EU guideline

Marketing authorisation holders and applicants should list excipients on the medicine's labelling and in the package leaflet in line with the following European Commission guideline:

This guideline requires marketing authorisation holders to display excipients in the following ways:

Type of excipientType of medicineType of informationDisplay location
All excipientsAll medicinesList of excipientsPackage leaflet
Parenteral, ocular and topical medicinesList of excipientsLabelling
Excipients with a known action or effectAll medicinesList of excipientsLabelling
Agreed safety informationPackage leaflet

These requirements apply to all medicines in the EU, irrespective of whether they are centrally or nationally authorised.

Excipients with a known action or effect

The list of excipients that have a known action or effect, and which must appear on the labelling of all medicines in the EU, is available in the annex to the above EU guideline:

The annex also includes the safety information that must appear in the medicine's package leaflet for the listed excipients. It is available in all EU languages, Icelandic and Norwegian.

EMA may revise the annex to update the required safety information on existing excipients, or to add new excipients. Revisions of the annex are endorsed by the European Commission.

Timeline for implementing revisions

For authorised medicines, marketing authorisation holders should use the first opportunity to implement any revised wording in the package leaflet.

For medicines with no foreseeable regulatory submissions, marketing authorisation holders should submit a type IB variationwithin 3 years of the revision date of the relevant excipient.

Marketing authorisation holders can find the revision date for a particular excipient in the column ‘updated on’, next to the excipient's name in the annex.

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