There are also several new features, including:

  • a new, simple medicines search allowing users to find information on the medicines EMA evaluates more easily, using their name or active substance;
  • clearer navigation with 'breadcrumbs' to show users where they are on the website;
  • a revamped What’s new page, making it easier for users to see the newly published content they are interested in by using simple filters and new sorting options.

"I am delighted to introduce EMA’s new website, a secure and user-friendly hub that showcases our collaboration with partners and stakeholders for the health of EU citizens.

This website will also help us communicate better on our key areas in 2024 and beyond."

As EMA's primary communication channel, the corporate website is a comprehensive source of information and guidance on centrally authorised medicines and on medicine regulation in the European Union.

Availability of content

The content from the previous version of this website is still available, including EMA’s bank of information on medicines.

Former addresses (URLs) - such as links to pages and documents – also still work. These are either unchanged or, for the small number with a new URL, redirects are in place to ensure users can reach the content they need from any saved links or bookmarks.

Improvements in 2024 and beyond

EMA plans to make further improvements to the website throughout 2024 and beyond. These include an improved content-subscription service and an enhanced site-wide search.

Get in touch  

EMA is always open to suggestions for improvements to this website. Any proposals or issues with the website can be submitted via email to

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